Professor Andrew Wardley is an internationally-renowned consultant medical oncologist and breast cancer specialist. His expertise in breast cancer research, innovation and transformation has enabled him to ensure that the multiple international clinical trials he has led throughout his career, have been adopted in clinical practice to improve the outcomes and the experience of people with breast cancer. Professor Wardley has extensive experience using system leadership for service innovation.
Professor Wardley believes in research-driving care; ‘a question to answer for every person’. He conceived, developed and led a fully-integrated, patient-focused, research-centred, holistic breast cancer service that directly improves patient care and access to novel treatments. This integrated cancer care system, introduced in Greater Manchester in 2001, has been adopted by NHS England and the European Code of Cancer Practice. In 2020, Professor Wardley founded Outreach Research and Innovation Group to continue developing this model further. Outreach Research &
He has led 20 years continuous improvement in Oncology of International standing, is a Keynote Speaker in cancer, service design research, and integrated care. An RCP accredited educational supervisor and mentor, he has been a primary driver and instigator of Advanced non-medical Practitioner Roles, including ANPs in clinical trials (including the first 2 ANPs in Experimental Cancer Medicine and the 1st Nurse Consultant ANP in Cancer Trials in UK), SYSTEMIC ANTI-CANCER THERAPY services, Breast cancer Nurse Clinician, Advanced Pharmacy Prescribers. He has organised and hosted national ACP Summer School, UKCRF Conference “Medicines – to be precise,” and international first ESO_MBC Advanced Breast cancer Guidelines conferences. He was a member of ESMO BREAST CANCER Faculty 2007-2021. He secured funding for and organized NIHR UKCRF Conference “Medicines to be Precise”
Innovation Group has access to 8 state of the art clinical research facilities across the north of England. Operating as a single clinical site we can offer trials to a 20 Million population. With research leaders in all cancer types and commercial set up times we will deliver your trials to time and target.
Professor Wardley was a major driver to developing cancer research and services in Greater Manchester and Cheshire, creating collaborative partnerships with international research groups and pharma. He co-founded Manchester Breast Centre and helped to design and develop Manchester Cancer Research Centre, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre and Greater Manchester Cancer. His collaborative approach was also instrumental in forming NIHR Manchester Clinical Research Facility, a key factor in a successful NIHR Biomedical Research Centre bid and CRUK Major Centre and Manchester Academic Health Science Centre funding.
Professor Wardley has educated two generations of medical oncologists and breast cancer specialists through education schemes from the European Society of Medical Oncology, the European School of Oncology, the Association of Cancer Physicians and the Royal College of Physicians. He is an active member of various international trial co-operatives.
In 2001, he became a Medical Educator at the Royal College of Physicians. From 2001 – 2021, he was a Medical Educator at Health Education England, a Consultant in Medical Oncology at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester, and a Consultant in Medical Oncology at the Christie NHS Foundation Trust. [Citation Required]
Professor Wardley has educated 2 generations of cancer doctors and medical oncologists as an educational and clinical supervisor, many to be international and national leaders in their fields.
He has led 20 years continuous improvement in Oncology of International standing, is a Key Note Speaker in cancer, service design research, and integrated care. An RCP accredited educational supervisor and mentor, he has been a primary driver and instigator of Advanced non-medical Practitioner Roles, including ANPs in clinical trials, SACT services, Breast cancer Nurse Clinician, Advanced Pharmacy Prescribers. He has organised and hosted national ACP Summer School, UKCRF Conference “Medicines – to be precise,” and international first ESO_MBC Advanced Breast cancer Guidelines conferences
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